Open Call Projects

AccBD – Accelerated Biomarker Candidate Discovery

AI_RIDE – Artificial Intelligence – driven RIding Distributed Eye

BEAM_IDL – Multiple laser BEAM-shaping monitoring and IDentification boosted by deep-Learning algorithms

DUNE RCO – Deep learning for multi-technology fusion in industrial indoor asset localization and tracking

Edge4iwelli – Edge computing to support the iwelli ecosystem of services for smart home care and independent living

FLAIR – Federated Learning Extension for Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT

FLEDGED – Feasibility of Low-energy Embedded Deep-Learning-Models Geared for Edge Devices

Honey.AI – The Evolved and Optimized AI-related IoT solution for the honey industry

MushR – A Smart, Automated and Scalable Indoor Harvesting System for Gourmet Mushrooms